
City of Bathurst eServices

In March 2025, the City of Bathurst launched a new online platform, eServices, designed to make managing your water and sewer bills easier, faster, and more convenient than ever!

What is eServices?

The City of Bathurst eServices is a secure online portal where you can access and pay your water and sewer invoices anytime, anywhere. With this new platform, you’ll have all the essential information right at your fingertips.

Key Benefits of eServices:

  • Quick & Easy Payments: No more trips to City Hall or mailing checks! You can now pay your monthly water and sewer bills online in just a few clicks.
  • 24/7 Access: View your current and past invoices, monitor your account balance, and track your payments, all from the comfort of your home.
  • Go Paperless: Opt-in for electronic bills and help us reduce costly paper waste. Win-win!

How to Get Started:

To get started with eService, we’ll simply need to link your existing account. Look for your unique sign-up key AND customer code on the back of your water & sewer invoice. This key — along with the provided instructions — will allow you to create an account and start enjoying all the benefits of eServices immediately.

Once you are registered, you visit eServices at or directly login at

Join us in making water and sewer billing more accessible, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Sign up for City of Bathurst eServices today!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I sign up?

Look for the unique sign-up key and customer code on the back of your water & sewer invoice. Follow the instructions provided with your invoice. After entering the sign-up key on the eServices portal, you can create your account and it will be linked automatically to your existing City of Bathurst account.

2. Can I pay more than the amount owed on an invoice?

No. eServices only allows full or partial payment of the current balance. If you wish to make an overpayment, please contact City Hall at 506-548-0400.

3. Can I set up pre-authorized payments through eServices?

Not at this time. Pre-authorized payments are arranged by phone or in person. Please call 506-548-0400 for more information.

4. Do I still receive a paper bill after I sign up for eServices?

No. Once you sign up for eServices, you will no longer receive paper bills.

5. Can I apply for discounts directly through eServices?

Not at this time. Discounts that require supporting documents or specific eligibility must be handled over the phone or in person.

6. If I change my information inside eServices, does it update my information on file?

No. While you can update certain details in eServices, any official changes to your account details (e.g., address) must be done by contacting City Hall staff directly.

7. I spotted a minor mistake or a typo on the platform, or I’d like to provide feedback.

Please email the team in charge of the project at with any suggestions or corrections.

8. I saw an app on my phone’s App Store called Townsuite, is this what I have to use for eServices?

No. You do not need to download any app. The platform is web-based, meaning you access eServices by visiting our website (under the water & sewer section, or That app isn’t used for water & sewer invoice management.
