Tax rate reduction, road work and Capital investments highlight 2025 Budget

Bathurst City Council approved the 2025 budget, valued at nearly $51.7 million dollars. Overall budget allocations are set at $38,71 million for General Operations, $8,15 million for Water and Sewer Operations. Capital investments will be set at $3,1 million for the General Fund and $1,74 million for the Utility Fund.
Property Tax
The Property Tax rate in Ward 1 (old city boundary before 2023 Local Governance Reform) will be decreased by two cents, being set at $1.7550 per $100 evaluation. The North Tetagouche sector of Ward 2 will have a $0.9064 rate, while the Ward 2 sectors covering South Tetagouche, Ste-Anne, Big River, and Route 134 (Miramichi Avenue extension) will have a $0.8800 rate. The changes to the Ward 2 tax rates are part of the transition under the provincial government’s Local Governance Reform, this being year three of a six-year transition.
Roadway investments
Roadway renewal accounts for a $2 million-dollar investment. A portion of Bridge Street’s roadway and infrastructure will be rebuilt at a cost of $1.4 million. $565,000 will be dedicated for resurfacing on Roughwaters Drive, Daniel Drive, Little River Drive and Ryan Avenue. These initiatives are over-and-above the $5.3 million Road / Infrastructure rebuild for Ste Anne and Chaleur Streets that was planned for 2024 but delayed to 2025.
The city experienced a substantial increase in building permit activity in 2024 and expects the trend to continue in 2025 as it distributes more grants through the Federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund program. With $318,000 projected in building permit revenue, the city will benefit further from both extra housing for citizens and a higher tax base for the municipality.
Healthy Community
Additional investments will further enhance the Healthy Community initiative. $250,000 from the Tourism Accommodation Levy will be invested in Tourism projects. Funding for the Aquatic Centre will also increase to $630,000. $80,000 will also be budgeted for a corporate branding exercise, renewing the city’s look to be fully inclusive and representative of its new boundaries and demographics.
Water and Sewer Services
Water and Sewer service fees will have a 2% increase, based on an increase in water supply expenses. However, the rate increase was mitigated because of decreased debt charges.
Capital Investments
Notable Capital investments include:
- Various Water and Sewer upgrades - $325,000
- Tandem twin-steer Dump Truck - $425,000
- Tandem Plow Truck - $365,000
- Tractor - $360,000
- Two Police vehicles - $160,000
- Wildland Fire Truck - $275,000
- Upgrades to Youghall Beach facilities, Promenade Waterfront Boardwalk, Ste Anne Street Trail crosswalk - $140,000