Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at 5:15 PM
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Advisory Committee will be considering the following application at its next regular meeting:
1264 Youghall Drive: Mr. Mathieu Côté has made an application to use the property located at 1264 Youghall Drive for a mobile food truck (Singing Nomad Café). The property is presently zoned Rural and the proposed use of the property is not permitted.
1.7.2 The Advisory Committee may, subject to such terms and conditions as it considers fit;
(a) authorize, for a temporary period not exceeding one year, a development otherwise prohibited by the By-Law;
(b) require the termination or removal of a development authorized under clause (a) at the end of the
authorized period.
2008 Queen Elizabeth Drive: Mr. Joshua Jenks has made an application to build a house 20.4 feet by 32 feet (652 square feet) on the property located at 2008 Queen Elizabeth Drive. The Zoning By-law, section 3.5.4 states that:
Architectural Standards
1) No building or structure may be placed, erected or altered, and the Advisory Committee shall not approve plans therefore, if, in the opinion of the Advisory Committee;
a) the architectural design of the proposed building or structure is not related to the physical features, to the aspects and prospects of its site and its surroundings, and to orientation and climatic conditions;
b) the external appearance of the proposed building or structure is not a good expression of structure, materials of construction and the purposes for which the building is to be used;
c) the form, proportions, coloring, use of materials, or sitting of the proposed building or structure fails to bear a complementary relationship to neighboring buildings and to civic qualities of the locality in which the building or structure is to be placed, erected or altered;
d) the proposed building or structure involves the use of false fronts, false works, false roofs or materials in superficial imitation of other materials;
e) the appearance of the proposed building or structure is likely to be below the general standard prevailing or intended to prevail in the zone.
906 Sycamore Avenue: 674872 NB Inc. has submitted a tentative subdivision plan to the City of Bathurst Municipal Development Officer for approval. The purpose of the subdivision plan is to create lots 2020-1 and 2020-2.
The property is presently vacant and is zoned Residential Single and Two Unit Dwelling. Lot 2020-1 will have 60 feet of frontage on Sycamore Avenue and lot 2020-2 will have 51 feet of frontage on Sycamore Avenue.
The City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law states that the minimum lot width requirement for a building lot is 60 feet, creating a variance of 9 feet for lot 2020-2. The Planning Advisory Committee needs to approve the variance before the Municipal Planning Officer can approve the proposed subdivision plan.
645 Riverside Drive: Mr. Tim Wafer has made an application to build an addition of 22 feet by 24 feet (540 square feet) on the house located at 645 Riverside Drive. The property is presently zoned Residential Single and Two Unit Dwelling.
The proposed addition will be located 5 feet +/- from the side lot line. The City Zoning By-Law states that “No building may be placed, erected or altered so that it is within 6 ft. of a side lot line” creating a variance of 1 ft. for the side lot line setback.
Anyone wishing to make a presentation before the Committee in regards to this application is invited to inform the Department of Planning and Development before 4:00 pm, Friday, April 30, 2021, by calling 548-0457. The Planning Advisory Committee will meet at 5:15 pm, Tuesday, May 4, 2021, to consider written objections to the proposed land use. Anyone wishing to address the Committee on the written objections may do so at that time.
Donald McLaughlin
Municipal Planning Officer