PUBLIC NOTICE - CITY COUNCIL MOTION - BY-LAW No. 2023-07 - A By-Law Regulating Proceedings of Municipal Council for the City of Bathurst

PUBLIC NOTICE - CITY COUNCIL MOTION - BY-LAW No. 2023-07 - A By-Law Regulating Proceedings of Municipal Council for the City of Bathurst
  November 23, 2023

At the Regular Public Meeting of Bathurst City Council on Monday, November 20, 2023, Council voted on the first reading of a motion to approve proposed By-law No. 2023-07 entitled “A By-Law Regulating Proceedings of Municipal Council for the City of Bathurst”.

The intent of By-Law no. 2023-07 is to establish a set of rules and procedures that govern how the City of Bathurst conducts its council meetings and makes decisions.

The public can view BY-LAW NO. 2023-07 by using the link below:


City of Bathurst Services
