PUBLIC NOTICE - CITY COUNCIL MOTION - BY-LAW No. 2023-04M - 215-225 St Patrick Street

October 19, 2023
At the Regular Public Meeting of Bathurst City Council on Monday, October 16, 2023, Council voted on the first reading of a motion to approve proposed By-law No. 2023-04M entitled “A By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 2006-01 Entitled “The City Of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law"” , in regard to a property located at 215-225 St Patrick Street and having PID numbers 20005518 and 20005500.
The intent of By-Law no. 2023-04M is to modify the designation for the Municipal Plan from “Institutional” to “Residential”.
The public can view BY-LAW NO. 2023-04M by using the link below: