PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNCIL MOTION ON BY-LAW No. 2023-05 A By-Law Relating to the Repeal of By-Law 2005-16 entitled "By-Law Relating to Hunting in the City of Bathurst"

PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNCIL MOTION ON  BY-LAW No. 2023-05 A By-Law Relating to the Repeal of By-Law 2005-16 entitled "By-Law Relating to Hunting in the City of Bathurst"
  August 25, 2023

At the Regular Public Meeting of Bathurst City Council on Monday, August 21, 2023, Council voted on the first reading of a motion to approve proposed By-law No. 2023-05 entitled A BY-LAW RELATING TO THE REPEAL OF BY LAW 2005-16 A BY-LAW RELATING TO HUNTING IN THE CITY OF BATHURST.

The intent of By-Law no. 2023-05 is to repeal by-law 2005-16 entitled "A By-Law Relating to Hunting in the City of Bathurst".

The public can view BY-LAW NO. 2023-05 by accessing the link below:


City of Bathurst Services
