PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNCIL MOTION ON BY-LAW No. 2023-02Z - 1935 St Peter Avenue

PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNCIL MOTION ON BY-LAW No. 2023-02Z - 1935 St Peter Avenue
  August 25, 2023

At the Regular Public Meeting of Bathurst City Council on Monday, August 21, 2023, Council voted on the first reading of a motion to approve proposed By-law No. 2023-02Z entitled A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2008-01 ENTITLED “THE CITY OF BATHURST ZONING BY-LAW”, in regard to a property located at 1935 St Peter Avenue and having PID number 20802625.

The intent of By-Law no. 2023-03Z is to add new provisions and definitions in the Zoning By-Law.

The public can view BY-LAW NO. 2023-02Z by accessing the link below:


City of Bathurst Services
