PUBLIC NOTICE Under section 25 of the Community Planning Act

Notice is hereby given that Bathurst City Council intends to consider amendments to By-Law No. 2006-01 entitled "The City of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law” and City of Bathurst Zoning By-law 2008-01 entitled “The City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law”:
2145 Vallée Lourdes Drive
The City of Bathurst has received a request from DuParc Real-Estate Group to amend the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law for a portion of the property located at 2145 Vallée Lourdes Drive, having PID number 20891347. The request is to change the land use designation for a portion of the property to allow for Medium Density and High Density residential developments.
The property is classified as “Institutional (IN)” in the Municipal Plan and as “Institutional (IN)” in the Zoning By-Law. The application is to modify the designation from “Institutional (IN)” to “Residential” in the Municipal Plan and from “Institutional (IN)” to “Medium Density Residential (R-3) and “High Density Residential (R-4)” in the Zoning By-Law.
1015 Nicholas Denys Drive
The City of Bathurst proposed to amend the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law for the property located at 1015 Nicholas Denys Drive having the PID number 20029518. The property is classified “Institutional (IN)” in the Municipal Plan and as “Institutional (IN)” in the Zoning By-Law.
The request is to change the land use designation for the property to allow for residential developments. The application is to modify the designation from “Institutional” to “Residential” in the Municipal Plan and from “Institutional” to Residential Single and Two Family Dwelling (R2)” in the Zoning By-Law.
1085 Orser Drive
The City of Bathurst proposed to amend the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law for the properties located at 1085 Orser Drive having the PID numbers 20524765 and 20583456. These properties are classified in the municipal plan as “Recreation Land/Community Parks” and in the zoning by-law as “Park/Sportsfield (PK zone).
The request is to change the land use designation for a portion of the park to allow for commercial uses and a portion of the property to allow for residential uses. The application is to modify the designation from “Recreation Land/Community Parks” in the Municipal Plan to “Residential and Commercial” and from “Park/Sportsfield (PK Zone)” to “Residential Single and Two Family Dwelling (R2) and Highway Commercial (HC)” in the Zoning By-Law.
City proposal to amend the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law for certain properties
The City of Bathurst proposed to amend the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law for the following properties:
- 1185 Arden Avenue, PID 20430286
- 1835 Brideau Avenue, PID 20406708
- 2105 Brideau Avenue, PID 20431516
- 920 Monarch Avenue, PID 20663779
- 155 Roche Street, PID 20437893
- 1254 Veniot Avenue, PID 20514196
These properties are classified in the Municipal Plan as “Recreation Land/Community Parks” and in the Zoning By-Law as “Park/Sportsfield (PK Zone)”.
The request is to change the land use designation for the parkland to allow for residential uses. The application is to modify the designation from “Recreation Land/Community Parks” to “Residential” in the Municipal Plan and from “Park/Sportsfield (PK Zone)” to “Residential Single and Two Family Dwelling (R2)” in the Zoning By-Law.
City Council will meet at the K. C. Irving Regional Centre at 6:30 pm, Monday, January 18, 2021, to make a public presentation of the proposed amendments. Objections to the said amendments shall be received by the City Clerk’s office, in writing, no later than 3:00 pm, Friday, 19 February 2021. The City Clerk’s office is located in City Hall, 150 St-George Street, Bathurst N.B. E2A 1B5.
Council will meet at the K. C. Irving Regional Centre at 6:30 pm, Monday, March 15, 2021 to consider written objections to the proposed amendments. Anyone wishing to address Council on the written objections may do so at that time.
Wanda St-Laurent
City Clerk
City of Bathurst