PUBLIC NOTICE - 1578 Franklin Avenue

PUBLIC NOTICE - 1578 Franklin Avenue
  January 06, 2021

The Council of the City of Bathurst has enacted By-law No. 2020-04M entitled “A By-Law to Amend by-Law No. 2006-01 entitled The City of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law" in regards to property located at 1578 Franklin Avenue having the PID numbers 20239885 & 20517694.

The By-Law 2020-04M received the Ministers approval, on November 25, 2020, as per the Community Planning Act.

The Council of the City of Bathurst has enacted By-law No. 2020-04Z entitled “A By-Law to Amend by-Law No. 2008-01 entitled The City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law" in regards to property located at 1578 Franklin Avenue having the PID numbers 20239885 & 20517694.

The By-laws were filed at the provincial land Registry Office as Nos. 40804222, 40804230 and 40804263, on December 18, 2020.

Wanda St-Laurent

City Clerk, City of Bathurst 


City of Bathurst Services
