PUBLIC NOTICE under section 111 of the Community Planning Act

Notice is hereby given that City Council of the City of Bathurst intends to consider amendments to By-Law No. 2008-01 entitled "The City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law”.
50 St-Peter Avenue PID 20701959:
The application is to allow for the installation of an electronic message board sign on the property located at 50 St-Peter Avenue (south side of Veterans Bridge) having property identification number 20701959. The proposed sign will advertise activities, events and information for the community. The sign will also be used to advertise goods, products, activities or services located, sold or provided locally.
Billboard signs are only permitted in specific areas and are identified in the City of Bathurst Zoning By-law Map Reference 3.21.7 (A).
The Zoning By-law Map Reference 3.21.7(A) needs to be modified to allow a billboard sign on the property located at 50 St-Peter Avenue (south side of Veterans Bridge) having property identification number 20701959.
Any interested persons may review the proposed By-law at the Planning Department, City Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Written objections to the said amendments may be made to the Council by forwarding them to the City Clerk before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 14, 2020.
Council will meet at the K.C. Irving Regional Centre at 6:30 p.m.; Monday, August 17, 2020 to consider written objections to the proposed amendments and anyone wishing to address Council on their written objections may do so at this time.
Wanda St-Laurent
City Clerk
City ofBathurst