PUBLIC NOTICE - Bathurst Planning Advisory Committee meeting

PUBLIC NOTICE - Bathurst Planning Advisory Committee meeting
  November 20, 2019

Public notice is hereby given that the Planning Advisory Committee will be considering the following application at its next regular meeting, scheduled for Monday December 3rd, 2019, 5:15pm at City Hall Council Chambers, 150 St. George Street:

1145 Stacey Mill Crescent:   

Mrs. Arnolda Barnhill has made an application to build a 12 foot by 12 foot (144 square feet) shed. The construction of the shed started without having obtained the approval from the City of Bathurst Building Inspector’s office. The shed is in the back yard of the property. 

The property is presently zoned Residential Single and Two Unit Dwelling and the City Zoning By-Law states that: 


3.16.1 Subject to the provisions of other relevant Municipal By-laws, Provincial and Federal regulations and, notwithstanding any provision of this By-law, no person shall erect a building or structure or carry out any other development in any zone within; 

  1. thirty (30) meters of the bank of a stream or watercourse, or  
  2. twenty (20) meters of the mean high tides in a tidal zone, unless  
  3. Approved by the Planning Advisory Committee. The Planning Advisory Committee in reviewing the request shall ensure that any such developments are referred to the Provincial Department of the Environment for review and approval under the Watercourse Alteration Regulation under the Clean Water Act of New Brunswick. 

The shed is presently installed within the 100-foot buffer zone required under the Zoning By-Law and the Provincial regulation. The Provincial department of Environment reviewed this application and approved the location of the shed at 30 feet +/- from the high tide-water line. 

The applicant wishes to install the shed 30 feet +/- from the high tide-water line as approved by the department of Environment creating a variance of 76 feet for the minimum setback from the bank of a stream or watercourse required under the City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law.

Anyone wishing to make a presentation before the Committee in regards to this application is invited to inform the Department of Planning and Development before 4:00 pm, Tuesday, December 3, 2019 by calling 548-0400. The Planning Advisory will meet at City Hall at 5:15 pm, Tuesday, December 3, 2019 to consider written objections to the proposed land use. Anyone wishing to address the Committee on the written objections may do so at that time.

Wanda St-Laurent

City Clerk

City of Bathurst


City of Bathurst Services
