July 13, 2018

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 at 5:15 PM   COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 150 ST. GEORGE STREET   PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Advisory Committee will be considering the following applications at its next regular meeting.   605 Chaleur Street: Mrs. Linda Vienneau and Mr. Kevin Vienneau have made an application to build a special care home at 605 Chaleur Street. The property in question is zoned Residential Density Three (R3). The proposed use is permitted subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee pursuant to Section 4.2.3 A.(1)(d) of the City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law. 4.2.3 A.(1)(d) one or more of the following conditional uses which are permitted subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee pursuant to Section 34(4) of the Community Planning Act of New Brunswick. Where compliance with such terms and conditions cannot reasonably be expected then the use may be prohibited by the Planning Advisory Committee;   a nursing home   1170 Youghall Drive: Mr. Roger Godin & Mrs. Edwina Godin have made an application to build a detached garage 40 feet by 50 feet (2000 square feet). There is presently one small accessory building on their property. The total square area of accessory buildings will be 2144 square feet. The property is designated Rural (R-7) Zone. The Zoning By-Law states that “in a Rural zone the total square area of accessory buildings may occupy up to 8 percent of the lot area, to a maximum of 1076 square feet”, creating a variance of 1068 square feet over the total square feet of accessory buildings permitted. The proposed two-story garage will be approximately 22 feet in height. The zoning by-law states that “all Accessory Buildings shall be limited to one storey in height and be no higher or larger in area than main building”, creating a variance of one story.   Anyone wishing to make a presentation before the Committee in regards to these applications are invited to inform the Department of Planning and Development before 4 pm, Tuesday, July 31st, 2018, at 548-0444. The Planning Advisory Committee will meet at City Hall at 5:15 pm, Tuesday, July 31st, 2018, to consider written objections to the proposed land use. Anyone wishing to address the Committee on the written objections may do so at that time.  


City of Bathurst Services
