PUBLIC NOTICE - 810 Ferguson Avenue
At the Regular Public Meeting of Bathurst City Council on Monday October 17, 2022, Council voted on the first reading of the following motions:
TO APPROVE PROPOSED BY-LAW 2022-06M entitled “By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 2006-01 Entitled “The City Of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law””, as per requirements specified in the Local Governance Act, section 15 (3).
The purpose of the above-mentioned proposed By-Law is to modify the Municipal plan for the properties located at 810 Ferguson Street having the PID number 20018610, to Residential” as shown on Schedule ‘’A101’’ of the said By-Law.
TO APPROVE PROPOSED BY-LAW 2022-06Z entitled A By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 2008-01 Entitled “The City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law”, as per requirements specified in the Local Governance Act, section 15 (3).
The purpose of the above-mentioned proposed By-Law is to modify the zoning for a portion of the property located at 810 Ferguson Street having the PID number 20018610, to “Residential Single and Two-Unit Dwelling R2” as shown on Schedule ‘’A101’’ of the said By-Law.
Second and third reading of the motions will be during the next Regular Public Meeting, to be held on Monday November 21, 2022.
The public is invited to review proposed By-Law documents at the link below: