January 29, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 5:15 PM
Because of COVID-19 considerations, the temporary location for committee meetings is at the K.C. Irving Regional Centre, in the Paul Ouellette Room.
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Advisory Committee will be considering the following application at its next regular meeting:
1040 - 1050 Birchwood Drive :
Squire Green Inc. is presently building a semi-detached building on the property located at 1040 – 1050 Birchwood Drive.
The building location survey revealed that the house is built 22.4 ft. from the street. The City Zoning By-Law states that “No building may be placed, erected or altered so that it is within 25 ft. of a street lot line” creating a variance of 2.6 ft. for the street lot line setback.
The property in question is zoned Residential Single and Two Family Dwelling (R2).
Anyone wishing to make a presentation before the Committee in regards to this application is invited to inform the Department of Planning and Development before 4:00 pm, Tuesday, February 9, 2021, by calling 548-0457. The Planning Advisory Committee will meet at 5:15 pm, Tuesday, February 9, 2021, to consider written objections to the proposed land use. Anyone wishing to address the Committee on the written objections may do so at that time.
Donald McLaughlin
Municipal Planning Officer