PUBLIC NOTICE: Consideration of amendments tp City of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law

PUBLIC NOTICE: Consideration of amendments tp City of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law
  December 03, 2018

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Bathurst intends to consider amendments to By-Law No. 2006-01 entitled "The City of Bathurst Municipal Plan By-Law” and City of Bathurst Zoning By-law 2008-01 entitled “The City of Bathurst Zoning By-Law” by changing the land use designation on the municipal plan as follows: 1915 Carron Drive: Property identification numbers 20034278 & 20616033 the land use designation on the Municipal Plan is proposed to be changed from “Residential to Rural”. The applicant wants to build a new garage and move the existing garage closer to the existing green house; the existing garage will be used for the business. Eastside Nursery is a seasonal garden center, the business also offers landscaping service in the Bathurst area .The business has been in operation at that location since 1993. A portion of the property is presently classified by the Municipal Plan as “Residential” and by the Zoning By-law as “Residential Single and Two Unit Dwelling”. The back portion of the property is zoned “Rural”. The Commercial activity on the property is classified under the Community Act as an “existing nonconforming use”. In order for the proposed, and any future expansion of this business the City By-law, the Municipal Pla, and the Zoning By-Law, must be amended. The Municipal Plan has to be modified from “Residential” to “Rural” and the Zoning By-law must be modified from “Residential Single and Two Unit Dwelling” to " Rural. City Council will meet in Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:30 pm, Monday, December 17, 2018, to make a public presentation of the proposed amendments. Objections to the said amendment shall be received by the City Clerk’s office, in writing, no later than 3:00p.m., Wednesday, January 16, 2019. The City Clerk’s office is located in City Hall, 150 St-George Street, Bathurst N.B. E2A 1B5. Council will meet at City Hall at 6:30p.m., Monday, January 21, 2019, to consider written objections to the proposed amendments. Anyone wishing to address Council on the written objections may do so at that time.   Wanda St-Laurent, City Clerk City of Bathurst


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